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Structural Glazing, Structural Glazing

Designed for specialized use where dual structural and weatherseal applications are desired for factory glazing and curtainwall production. Once cured, this structural sealant forms a durable, flexible, watertight bond that can be warranted for 20 years and used in ±25% movement weatherseal applications. It has excellent unprimed adhesion to glass, alodine, and anodized aluminum, although Dowsil Primer-C OS is recommended for fast and consistent adhesion, especially to high-performance substrates approved for architectural structural glazing applications.

Kit Includes

  • Part A Base - 250kg/184L
  • Part B Catalyst - 19kg/18L


  • Approved for structural applications
  • Two-part, neutral-cure, RTV silicone sealant
  • Improved productivity
  • Higher movement capability (+/-25%)
  • Low VOC formula
  • Meets ASTM C719 Class 25 (G, A, O)
  • Meets ASTM C1184 Structural Glazing specification
  • Meets GB 16776 2005 Structural Silicone Sealants for building


  • Dowsil 983 Structural Glazing Sealant is designed for specialized use where dual structural and weatherseal applications are desired for factory glazing and curtainwall production


  • Some applications may require the use of a specific Dowsil primer
  • For more information on compatibility with other products and specialist advice, please contact Glasscorp directly
  • Customers should independently determine the suitability of this product for their specific purpose prior to use


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