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Glass Detection and Measuring, Glass Detection and Measuring
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Glass Detection and Measuring, Glass Detection and Measuring
The AE3600 is optimised for testing sheets of glass in the factory. With one push of a button, users can determine if the meter is contacting the Low E surface or if the coating is on Surface 2. Because the AE3600 does not use contact pins to identify coatings, it works every time in factory situations where the glass is covered with Lucor or other separator granules, regardless of how thick the granules are. The new surface 4 coatings being introduced by multiple glass producers have an insulative layer over the top of the coating. Contact style of meters will have problems identifying these coatings, as the meter must be pressed hard against the glass in order to penetrate the insulative layer. This will add to scratching problems, as well as general difficulty in using the contact type of meters. Because of its microprocessor design, the AE3600 Low E Detector can identify the new surface 4 coatings regardless of the protective layer.